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Unique News & Information Platform

The NovaFM Online News & Marketing Platform of Nova Media Productions is a unique and exclusive regional news and information source.

Including: viral content, luxury, leisure, sports, food, real estate, weather forecast, cars, hotel, fitness, website and company information.

Suitable for any project, event and company that wants to increase their info, profile, product or online presence on the Internet using the

latest marketing strategy, promotion, techniques, services and tools from Nova Media Productions.



Nova Media Productions’ latest mission is to roll out and market a unique online news and information platform concept.

Digital news modules, a web platform, viral environment and the Nova Media Productions marketing concept to increase the attractiveness of the news concept for targeted needs for news, promotion, marketing with more reach and value in addition to marketing all types of business products and business.

And contributes to the current recession and helps national and local news organizations and industry economies to grow again.



The marketing strategy to be deployed by Nova Media Productions includes a high regional online news and business content.

Nova Media Productions will manage and organize the online marketing concept, structure and systems for news activities.

And launching, marketing, informing and promoting the online Nova Media Productions – News Platform project on the web.


Online News Platform
– The future –

The Nova Media Productions – Online Platform uses a new and unique online news concept and strategy.

With the aim of finding and reaching products, activities, companies, customers or visitors within the national and regional business environment.

The online Platform is where regional partners list their regional news, product, video, information or more on the Nova Media Productions – Online Platform to increase visitors, traffic, promotion, turnover, customers, sales and their advertising results.


News & Information Platform

The Online Platform of Nova Media Productions must be more than just offering news items, images, videos or texts.

The service is the epitome of everything that is at the heart of the online news, information and marketing service.

Integrated functionality and well-articulated information are the backbone of what makes our great service. And always part of the need to upgrade news, companies, products and more.


The Nova Media Productions Marketing Platform uses a
powerful brand and marketing strategy

to effectively position news, business, promotion, information, communication and service online in the news sector and the business market.

Nova Media Productions’ online radio & news platform is a unique radio, news, information and promotion service on the internet that is suitable for all regional broadcasters.

For all regional and national business partners, news articles, luxury, real estate, leisure, sports, cars, business, aircraft, fashion, jewelry, crowdfunding, music, media and sports.

And any product, person or company that wants to promote, increase or distribute the profile of their web presence.

To promote the platform, Nova Media Productions uses a unique online strategy, web platform, Crossmedia & Newmedia modules, techniques and tools.



At Nova Media Productions we had to walk a lot of roads, starting all the way from the beginning with the Online Radio, News & Information Platform Concept.

But thanks to the great efforts of the Nova Media Productions team, progress was made quickly and to make sure we never lost our focus.

In addition to work and concentration, a unique viral web structure and to even use advanced digital modules.

At the same time, we wanted to create a lot of trust among all stakeholders, managers, business partners and news organizations nationally, regionally and internationally.